
General Information

Only tested in Ubuntu 16.04, write an issue should you find any error.

Quick Start

If intending to use C++ code, add this 3 things to your CMakeLists.txt:

Test the code

  1. Change directory cd cpp_python_socket/

  2. Build it: ./build.sh

  3. Run unit test:

    • Terminal 1: python python/server.py
    • Terminal 2: cd cpp; ./run_cpp_client_test.sh

Usage examples

Python Server:

from cpp_python_socket.python.server import Server

if __name__ == "__main__":
  server = Server("", 5001)
  message = server.receive()
  print("[CLIENT]:" + message)
  server.send("Shut up")

C++ client:

#include <iostream>
#include "client.hpp"

int main() {
    socket_communication::Client client("", 5001);  // ip, port
    client.Send("Hello hello!");  // Send string
    std::string answer = client.Receive();  // Receive string
    std::cout << "[SERVER]: " << answer << std::endl;